One Bread, One Body
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Vincentians strive through prayer, meditation on the Scriptures, fidelity to the teaching of the Church
and in the various aspects of their daily lives, to bear witness to the love of Christ in their
relationships with those most in need. "The poor you will always have with you" (Matt. 26:11). The
Vincentian is at their service. (S)he does not judge: (s)he is available.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to assist those struggling to attain self-
sufficiency. The goal is to assist them in their time of need and guide people to focus on Gospel
Through honest communication between the Vincentians and the person(s) we serve, we attempt to
encourage and support independence
How You Can Help
You can donate via PayPal by clicking on our link:
Would you like to volunteer to share your talents? Contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at
609-267-9600 or email us at [email protected]
The Sacred Heart St. Vincent de Paul Society can use your assistance. Volunteers are always
welcome and training is provided. The following services are needed:
Home visiting with another Vincentian volunteer.
Work in the food pantry. This may include stocking shelves, preparing food bags,etc.
Office - typing, answering phones, scheduling appointments and completing intake forms.
Fundraising, brainstorming, coordination of events, etc.
Driver for pickup of food donations from area businesses
Be part of a two person team delivering groceries to our Homebound guests
How can SVDP Help YOU or someone you know...?
Visit our guest’s website to find out!