Sacramental years are always a wonderful time for our children and families. Fewer things are more beautiful to witness than seeing our children brought further into the life of the Church as they continue to understand God's great love for them when they receive the special graces that are given to them in the sacraments.
Sacramental preparation is such an important aspect of a child's readiness to receive First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. Our hope at Sacred Heart is to provide meaningful sacramental preparation through the classroom, special retreat days, and meetings for parents. Preparing for the sacraments is actually a two year process, as children receiving First Reconciliation and First Communion begin preparation in 1st grade, and our Confirmandi actually begin preparing for Confirmation in 7th grade.
The children learn that God made the family to be the first place we learn about loving others and following Christ. The most important thing parents can do to help prepare their children for the sacraments is to attend Mass with them regularly, and make sure they are attending Religious Education classes regularly as well. This helps to ensure that children have a meaningful understanding of the sacraments they are receiving.
To find updates and documents related to your child's sacramental preparation, go to the left side of the screen and click on the appropriate link for either "First Communion and First Reconciliation" or "Confirmation". You can find dates and times for sacrament-related services and other events on our SHRE calendar (First Reconciliation/First Communion are highlighted in blue and Confirmation is highlighted in red), and at the parent meetings, we share additional details about dates and times.
As always, if you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you and God bless you!
Mrs. Barbara Kane Coordinator of Religious Education