Be sure to check our events listings below to learn more about upcoming Masses, services, and special events taking place here at Sacred Heart in November and December!
For those of you who have not yet received information regarding the Diocesan ‘Faith to Move Mountains’ campaign, you should be receiving it in the mail in the coming days. The mailing shares how this campaign will benefit Sacred Heart, strengthen our Diocesan schools and parishes, support our clergy and seminarians, care for our retired priests, enhance our religious education and evangelization programs, and expand our social service outreach. We ask that you prayerfully consider contributing to this very important initiative. If you received a phone call to pick up a folder, this is a friendly reminder your folder is waiting for you in the parish house. If you would like to contribute, please fill out your pledge card and return it to the parish office as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!