Upcoming events in 2025 - save the dates! Ticket info available under our 'Links' section on this page!
Memorial Brick Fundraiser
Our memorial bricks offer a wonderful way to remember our loved ones, while also benefitting our school. To order online, please click here. To read more details and/or to dowload and print our hard copy form to pay by check, please see our form in the 'Links' section on this page. We are currently taking orders on an ongoing basis.
Thank you for supporting SHS!
The Friends of Sacred Heart School - Rev. John P. Czahur, Pastor - Mrs. Joanna Barlow, Principal - Mr. George DeFeo, President - Mrs. Anne DeFeo, Vice President
- Mrs. Cathy Marshall, Secretary - Mrs. Jessica Donohue, Treasurer - Mrs. Lisa Byham - Mrs. Kathy Ciccariello - Mr. Steve Ciccariello - Mrs. Diane Tew - Mrs. Donnamarie Wojtko