One Bread, One Body
Tea Time!
The Columbiettes of Santa Maria 1179 cordially invite mothers with their daughters ages 6-10 to join us at an English tea party. The mothers and daughters will be treated to delicious, traditional English tea fare. There will be fun, creative activities for mothers and daughters that include beautiful remembrances of the day.
We look forward to entertaining you on this special day. Sunday, May 5, 2-4 PM Sacred Heart Auditorium $5.00 per person Please bring your check made out to Santa Maria 1179, for $5.00 per person, in an envelope labeled “Columbiettes” to the parish house.
RSVP required by April 30th to [email protected]
About the Columbiettes
The Columbiettes, an organization of Catholic women dedicated to our Patronesses, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Theresa the Little Flower and St. Joan of Arc, are comprised of affiliated Auxiliaries of the Knights of Columbus Councils.
The Columbiettes Santa Maria Council #1179 was chartered in October of 2015 as an Auxiliary to the Knights of Columbus Santa Maria Council #1179. Our meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:15 pm in the Sacred Heart Parish Library.
Current Officers 2023-2024
Joelle Wentz, Past President; Patty Borm, President; Joanne Daywalt, Vice-President; Nina Smith, Secretary; Theresa Kearney, Sentinel; Renee Batdorf, Treasurer; Diane Tew, Financial Secretary; Deacon Jim Casa, Chaplain. Many other parish women are actively involved as well.
All Catholic Women aged 18 and over are welcome to join us! If you are looking for a fulfilling way to be involved with your parish and community, please consider becoming a Columbiette either by reaching out to Joanne Daywalt, Membership Chair at [email protected] , or by filling out one of our membership inquiry forms located in the back of the Church.